Indian Mother is an upcoming Bhojpuri movie in 2015, rani chatterjee in lead roles. This film is Directed by Bipin Singh and Produced by Bipin Singh. It is made under the banner of Arise Film Entertainment Presents and releasing in February 2015.
First look Poster of Indian Mother 2015 |
Status:- | Shooting |
Updated:- | Sep 2014 |
Indian Mother(2015) |
Genre:- | Romance, Drama |
Release Date:- | February 2015 |
Filmmakers |
Story/Writer by:- | Bipin Singh |
Directed by:- | Bipin Singh |
Producer by:- | Bipin Singh |
Music by:- | N/A |
Geet by:- | N/A |
Action/Fight:- | N/A |
Editing by:- | N/A |
Studio / Distributor:- | Arise Film Entertainment Presents |
Language:- | Bhojpuri |
Budget | N/A |
Star-Cast & Role |
rani chatterjee | --:as:-- | N/A |
Story (Plot) |
Indian Mother is remake of 1957 Bollywood Movie 'Mother India' directed by Mehboob Khan and starring Nargis, Sunil Dutt, Rajendra Kumar, and Raaj Kumar. |
Music(Song's) |
S.No | Song Name | Music | Artis (Singer) |
- | - | - | - |