Rowdy Rani is an upcoming Bhojpuri movie in 2014, Rani Chatterjee in lead roles. This film is Directed by Iqkabal Bksha and Produced by Madhuvendra P Ray. It is made under the banner of Jibika Films Producations.
First look Poster of Rowdy Rani 2014 |
Status:- | Ready To Releasing |
Updated:- | 15 September 2014 in Bihar and Jharkhand |
Rowdy Rani (2014) |
Genre:- | Action, Drama |
Release Date:- | 15 September 2014 in Bihar and Jharkhand |
Filmmakers |
Story/Writer by:- | Ramesh Mishra |
Directed by:- | Shashank Khaitan |
Producer by:- | Karan Johar |
Music by:- | Chote Baba |
Geet by:- | Vinay Bihari, Payare La |
Action/Fight:- | Ramesh Mishra |
Editing by:- | N/A |
Studio / Distributor:- | Jibika Films Producations Presents |
Language:- | Bhojpuri |
Budget | N/A |
Star-Cast & Role |
Rani Chatterjee | --:as:-- | N/A |
Manoj Tigar | --:as:-- | N/A |
Music(Song's) |
S.No | Song Name | Music | Artis (Singer) |
- | - | - | - |