Below are Box office collection report of Bollywood Movie Chaarfutiya Chhokare With Budget and Hit or Flop status at also including of the film lead star cast:- Soha Ali Khan, Harsh Mayar, Seema Biswas, Mukesh Tiwari, Suhas Sirsat, Umesh Jagtap.
First look Poster of Chaarfutiya Chhokare 2014 |
Last Update: | September 2014 |
Chaarfutiya Chhokare (2014) Budget and Hit or Flop ? |
Total Collection:- | 5 Lakhs |
Budget + P&A: | Expectation 10-12 Crores |
Profit: | N/A |
Theatrical Business Verdict: | N/A |
Chaarfutiya Chhokare is releasing on nearly 800-900 screens worldwide, film releases on 26th September, 2014. also 2 movie released with this movie today, named 3 A.M. and Desi Kattey. |
The Box Office Report of According to news & Media. |
Report of Daily Domestic Box Office Collection:- |
Friday (Opening Day) | 5 Lakhs | Day 1 |
Saturday | Pending | |
Sunday | Pending | |
Total: 5 Lakhs (1 Day) |
Worldwide Collection:- |
- | - | - |
Total:00.00 Cr |