Titli is an upcoming bollywood movie in 2015, It is drama film and Ranvir Shorey, Amit Sial, Shivani Raghuvanshi in lead roles. This film is Directed by Kanu Behl and Produced by Aditya Chopra and Dibakar Banerjee. It is made under the banner of Yash Raj Films & Dibakar Banerjee Productions Pvt. Ltd.
First look Poster of Titli 2015 |
Status:- | Ready To Release |
Updated:- | 2015 |
Titli (2015) |
Genre:- | Drama |
Release Date:- | October 16, 2015 |
Filmmakers |
Story/Writer by:- | Sharat Katariya, Kanu Behl |
Directed by:- | Kanu Behl |
Producer by:- | Aditya Chopra, Dibakar Banerjee |
Music by:- | N/A |
Cinematography:- | Siddharth Diwan |
Editing by:- | Namrata Rao |
Studio / Distributor:- | Westend Films |
Language:- | Hindi |
Budget | N/A |
Star-Cast & Role |
Ranvir Shorey | --:as:-- | Vikram |
Amit Sial | --:as:-- | Pradeep |
Shashank Arora | --:as:-- | Titli |
Lalit Behl | --:as:-- | Daddy |
Shivani Raghuvanshi | --:as:-- | Neelu |
Prashant Singh | --:as:-- | Prince |
Official Trailer | Ranvir Shorey, Amit Sial, Shivani Raghuvanshi
Music(Song's) |
S.No | Song Name | Lyrics | Artis (Singer) |
N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |