Zila Chapra an upcoming Hindi TV Serial on Zee TV channel. Mohit Sehgal and Mohit Sehgal as Male Actors are Lead roles in the show. This serial is made under the production of Rashmi Sharma Telefilms. It is Starts on 2015.
First look Poster of Zila Chapra |
Status:- |
Starts on 2015
Updated:- | May 2015 |
Zila Chapra (TV Serial) |
Genre:- | Drama |
Original airing:- |
Starts on 2015
Serial Makers |
Producer by:- | Rashmi Sharma |
Director by:- | N/A |
Story/Writer by:- | N/A |
Cinematography:- | N/A |
Location(s):- | Chapra, Bihar, India |
Language:- | Hindi |
No. of seasons | 1 |
Production company(s) | Rashmi Sharma Telefilms |
Original channel | Zee TV |
Star-Cast & Role |
Mohit Sehgal | --:as:-- | Lead Male Actor |
Paaras Madaan | --:as:-- | Lead Male Actor |
Story/Plot |
Zila Chapra Zee TV serial Story coming soon. |
Promo: Zila Chapra Coming Soon on Zee TV.... N/A