Attack is an upcoming Telugu (Tollywood) movie in 2015, Manchu Manoj and Surabhi in lead roles. This film is Directed by Ram Gopal Varma and Produced by Manchu Vishnu. It is made under the banner of 24 Frames Factory. The film is release on August 2015.
First look Poster of Telugu movie Attack 2015
Status:- Ready For Release
Updated:- 2015
Attack (2015) Telugu Movie
Genre:- Action, Drama, Romance
Release Date:- August 2015
Story/Writer by:- Ram Gopal Varma
Directed by:- Ram Gopal Varma
Producer by:- Manchu Vishnu
Music by:- N/A
Cinematography:- N/A
Editing by:- N/A
Studio / Distributor:- 24 Frames Factory
Language:- Telugu
Budget N/A
Star-Cast & Role
Manchu Manoj --:as:-- N/A
Surabhi --:as:-- N/A
Jagapati Babu --:as:-- N/A
Prakash Raj --:as:-- N/A
Vadde Naveen --:as:-- N/A
Narsing Yadav --:as:-- N/A
Story (Plot)
Attack Telugu movie Story is coming Soon...
Attack (2015) Telugu Movie Official Trailer on Youtube video
S.No Song Name Music Artis (Singer)
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