Here is Below are Box office collection report of Bollywood Movie 'Masaan' With his Budget, Profit and Hit or Flop status at also including of the film lead star cast:- Richa Chadda, Vicky Kaushal, Sanjay Mishra, Shweta Tripathi, Vineet Kumar
Masaan is an Indian Drama film of 2015, directed by Neeraj Ghaywan and produced by Drishyam Films, Phantom Films, Macassar Productions, Sikhya Entertainment.
First look Poster of Masaan 2015 |
Last Update: | 24th July 2015 |
Masaan Film Budget, Profit, Loss and Status Hit or Flop ? |
Total Collection:- | 10 - 15 Crores Expectation |
Budget + P&A: | 2-3 Crore |
Profit/Loss: | N/A |
Theatrical Business Verdict: | N/A |
What’s Good in the film:
Synopsis:The first of these tells the story of Devi (Richa Chadda). The film opens with her and her fellow student, Piyush, checking into a hotel room. They are interrupted when the police bursts in, accusing them of indulging in “indecent behaviour”, and even getting a confession from Devi on videotape. Source: . It is releasing on nearly 1500 screens in Indian, Film is released on 24th July, 2015. |
The Box Office Report of According to news, Media and MT WIKI Research. |
Report of Daily Domestic Box Office Collection:- |
Friday (Opening Day) | 2-3 Crore | - |
Saturday | Pending | . |
Sunday | Pending | . |
Total: -- (Opening Day) |
India Collection:- |
- | - | - |
Total:-- Crore |