Bad Company is an upcoming Hindi TV Talk Show on Zing TV channel. Pratyusha Banerjee, Divyanka Tripathi, Karan Kundra, Shaleen Bhanot, Karanvir Bohra, Vishal Singh, Scarlett M Rose are lead role in the show. This serial is made under the production of N/A. It is Starts/Launch on 10th October 2015 at 7:00 PM.
First look Poster of Bad Company |
Status:- |
Starts on 10th October 2015 at 7:00 PM
Updated:- | October 2015 |
Bad Company (Talk Show) |
Genre:- | Talk Show |
Original airing:- |
Starts on 10th October 2015 at 7:00 PM.
Serial Makers |
Producer by:- | N/A |
Director by:- | N/A |
Story/Writer by:- | N/A |
Replace which serial:- | N/A |
Location(s):- | Mumbai, India |
Language:- | Hindi |
No. of seasons | 1 |
Production company(s) | N/A |
Original channel | Zing TV |
Star-Cast & Role |
Pratyusha Banerjee | --:as:-- | - |
Divyanka Tripathi | --:as:-- | - |
Karan Kundra | --:as:-- | - |
Shaleen Bhanot | --:as:-- | - |
Karanvir Bohra | --:as:-- | - |
Vishal Singh | --:as:-- | - |
Scarlett M Rose | --:as:-- | - |
Story/Plot |
Bad Company is a one-of-a-kind talk show that will show you the biggest television stars in avatars that you have never seen before. Doesn't matter if they're handsome hunks or the lovely ladies, Bad Company will look to unravel and reveal more than these stars bargained for! Source: