Ke Lihi Tender is an upcoming Bhojpuri movie in 2015-2016, Viraj Bhatt and Madhuri Mishra in lead roles. This film is Directed by Meraj Khan and Produced by Dr. S.D. Gautam. It is made under the banner of Avinash Film Presents and releasing in 2015-2016. This film Shooting in Location of Bihar.
First look Poster of Ke Lihi Tender |
Status:- | Under Production |
Updated:- | 2015 |
Ke Lihi Tender (2015-2016) Bhojpuri Movie |
Genre:- | Action, Drama, Romance |
Release Date:- | 2015-2016 |
Filmmakers |
Story/Writer by:- | Nanhe Pandey |
Directed by:- | Meraj Khan |
Producer by:- | Dr. S.D. Gautam |
Music by:- | Anuj Tiwari |
Lyrics by:- | Sudhakar Sharma & Pyarelal “Kavi” |
Action/Fight:- | Dilip Yadav |
Editing by:- | N/A |
Studio / Distributor:- | Avinash Film Productions |
Language:- | Bhojpuri |
Budget | N/A |
Star-Cast & Role |
Viraj Bhatt | --:as:-- | N/A |
Madhuri Mishra | --:as:-- | N/A |
Ayaz Khan | --:as:-- | N/A |
Sanjay Pandey | --:as:-- | N/A |
Rajkapoor Shahi | --:as:-- | N/A |
Gopal Rai | --:as:-- | N/A |
Kokila Yadav | --:as:-- | N/A |
Shankar Dayal Gautam | --:as:-- | N/A |
Prerna Sharma | --:as:-- | N/A |
Gaffar Khan | --:as:-- | N/A |
Story (Plot) |
Ke Lihi Tender story will we Update Soon... . |
Trailer/Promos |
N/A |
Ke Lihi Tender Official Trailer in Youtube video |
Music(Song's) |
S.No | Song Name | Artis (Singer) |
- | - | - |