Yehan Piyar Nahi Hai is an upcoming Same Name popular Hum TV Pakistani Urdu Serial in Hindi on Zindagi TV channel. Saba Qamar as Haleema, Junaid Khan as Saim, Mawra Hocane as Shumaila are Lead roles in the show. This serial is made under the production of Syed Afzal Ali. It is Starts on October - Novmber 2015.
Yahna piyar nahi hai is the story of a miserable couple—Saim and Haleema. Saim does not like his wife, Haleema and never loses any opportunity to humiliate her. Another character in the plot is Haleema's cousin, Shumaila. Shumaila lures Saim towards her and away from Haleema. Does Shumaila's brother Sabih, manage to save Saim and Haleema's marriage? What will be the future of Haleema and her children? at Source:
Promo:Yehan Piyar Nahi Hai Coming Soon on Zindagi TV..
Title Song
Song Video: Title Song of Yehan Piyar Nahi Hai Zindagi tv