Angry Indian Goddesses is an upcoming bollywood movie in 2015, It is Drama film and Sandhya, Tannishtha, Sarah-Jane Dias, Anushka, Amrit Maghera in lead roles. This film is Directed by Pan Nalin and Produced by Gaurav Dhingra. It is made under the banner of A Jungle Book EnterTainment Production.
First look Poster of Upcoming 2015 Bollywood Film "Angry Indian Goddesses"
Angry Indian Goddesses is story is Update Soon. Freida invites her all girls group of friends to Goa at her family home. They are all in for a surprise when she tells them all that she's getting married.
Angry Indian Goddesses Official Trailer : Sandhya, Tannishtha, Sarah-Jane Dias, Anushka, Amrit Maghera.