CBI Files is an upcoming Hindi TV Serial on Sahara One channel. N/A are lead roles in the show. This serial is made under the production of BBC Worldwide Productions. It is Starts/Launch on December 2015 / January 2016, Monday to Friday at 09.30-10.30pm on Sahara One.
First look Poster of CBI Files |
Status:- |
under production
Updated:- | November 2015 |
CBI Files (TV Serial / Show) |
Genre:- | Drama |
Original airing:- |
Starts on December 2015 / January 2016.
Serial Makers |
Producer by:- | BBC Worldwide Productions |
Director by:- | N/A |
Story/Writer by:- | N/A |
Replace which serial:- | N/A |
Location(s):- | Mumbai, India |
Language:- | Hindi |
No. of seasons | 1 |
Production company(s) | BBC Worldwide Productions |
Original channel | Sahara One |
Star-Cast & Role |
N/A | --:as:-- | N/A |
Story/Plot |
CBI Files is an Indian crime tv Show of Sahara One. show Full story update soon...