The Director of his first Bhojpuri movie "Bitiya Chhath Mai Ki", the director Sujit Verma is now making new film Inspector Dhakad Singh with action star Yash Kumar , whose shooting will start from January 14, 2017 in Sanjan, Gujarat.
In this movie, Bhojpuri's four big heroines will be seen with Yash Kumar!
Yash Kumar's forthcoming film "Bitia Chhathi Mai Ki" will be released in February 2019.
Yash Kumar is an actor whose films are always waiting for the audience. Yash Kumar is engaged in trying to do something new with every movie these days.
That is why they try to lose their character completely and make that character memorable.
Today, with the director Sujit Verma, the film is engaged in the preparation of "Inspector Dhakad Singh"!
After Inspector Dhakad Singh, he will shoot Sanjay Srivastava's "Kasam Bawalin Ki Part 2" and the director of director Dinesh Yadav's untitled film.
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