Aflatoon maintained its pace on Day 3, Sunday 23rd July 2023 at the box office. The film opened at Rs 0.95 crores and on its 2nd day its managed to collect Rs.2.03 crores at the Box Office. With the Day 3 collection at Rs.2.88 crores. Aflatoon has managed to cross the Rs 5 Crore mark as predicted having collected Rs.5.87Cr over the 1st weekend. The film is made at a budget of Rs 3.80 Crores and has already recovered it’s investment. As per its 3 days collections the movie should remain steady throughout the week.
AFLATOON (Marathi) All India Net Box Office Collections Day 3 are as follows, Mumbai - Rs.1.62 Crores, C.P- Rs.82.77 Lakhs and Marathwada - Rs.43.95 Lakhs. The film is already growing with positive word of mouth and the popularity of its song MAKA NAKA is helping it remain steady at the Box-office. The film is Written and Directed by Paritosh Painter. Aflatoon released in theatres on 21st July 2023.