Sumit Sambhal Lega is an upcoming Hindi TV Serial on Star Plus channel. Namit Das as Sumit Lead Actor roles in the show. This serial is made under the production of DJ's Creative Unit. The Sumit Sambhal Lega show Based on Everybody Loves Raymond, It is Starts/Launch on August 2015.
First look Poster of Sumit Sambhal Lega |
Status:- |
Starts on August 2015.
Updated:- | August 2015 |
Sumit Sambhal Lega (TV Serial / Show) |
Genre:- | Sitcom, Comedy |
Original airing:- |
Starts on 31st August 2015.
Serial Makers |
Producer by:- | DJ's Creative Unit |
Director by:- | N/A |
Story/Writer by:- | Steve Skrovan |
Replace which serial:- | N/A |
Location(s):- | Mumbai, Maharashtra, India |
Language:- | Hindi |
No. of seasons | 1 |
Production company(s) | DJ's Creative Unit |
Original channel | Star Plus |
Star-Cast & Role |
Namit Das | --:as:-- | Sumit Walia |
Manasi Parekh Gohil | --:as:-- | Maya Walia |
Bharati achrekar | --:as:-- | Sumit's mother |
Satish Kaushik | --:as:-- | Sumit's father |
Vikram Kochhar | --:as:-- | Sumit's elder brother |
Story/Plot |
The show revolves around the life of Sumit (Namit Das) who lives with his family. Whiny and flippant, Sumit does not take many things seriously, making jokes in nearly every situation, no matter how troubling or problematic. He often avoids responsibilities around the house and with his kids, leaving this to his wife. Source: |